Chronic prostatitis is an inflammatory process that affects prostate tissue and causes its full function to fail. The disease is one of the most common diseases of male reproductive organ dysfunction.
At-risk groups are men between the ages of 20 and 40, at the peak of their labor, reproductive and sexual activity. Almost 1 in 10 men face such a sexual problem at least once in their lifetime.
Chronic prostatitis is characterized by alternating worsening and remission of disease symptoms. Under the signs of this disease, many other problems apply not only to the genitourinary system, but also to other internal organs, so it is important to consult a qualified doctor immediately for diagnosis when they appear.
Chronic prostatitis develops over a long period of time. Many times, the disease occurs with no or mild symptoms and is diagnosed during random testing. It is difficult to treat and there is a possibility of frequent recurrence.
Route of infection:
- directly through the urethra;
- have a stream of infected urine;
- with the movement of blood or lymph;
- Spread infection from adjacent organs.
In every male body, there are pathogenic microorganisms that may cause the progression of prostatitis. However, not all men suffer from this dangerous and unpleasant disease. This means that not only the pathogenic microflora, although it is the main cause of pathological development, its activation requires favorable conditions. Disease progression has the following favorable factors:
- Sedentary working conditions and sedentary lifestyles;
- changing sexual partners frequently;
- early termination of sexual intercourse, as a contraceptive;
- long-term abstinence;
- tight underwear;
- low temperature;
- other inflammations of the genitourinary system;
- Various prostate injuries;
- bad habits;
- Foods that are too greasy and high in calories;
- constant pressure.
In the medical field, common chronic prostatitis are classified as follows:
- Infection process caused by bacteria;
- the disease is not bacterial in nature;
- asymptomatic (regardless of the course of infection);
- stagnant. It stems from prolonged sexual abstinence.
According to the stage of development, chronic prostatitis is divided into:
- Exudative - accompanied by pain in the groin, scrotum, accelerated ejaculation;
- Alternative - the same signs are observed as in the previous stage, but with a slight increase, in the form of frequent urination;
- Proliferation - slowed ejaculation, decreased urine flow;
- Cicatricial changes - all of the above signs are inherent.
Chronic prostatitis presents with the following symptoms:
- Pain and discomfort in the pelvic area, groin area, inner thigh for three months or more;
- frequent urination;
- severe pain at the end of the need;
- erection pain;
- Sometimes no ejaculation at all;
- sleep disorder;
- Decreased ability to work;
- Perineal itching, feeling cold, or excessive sweating;
- skin discoloration in the groin area;
- decreased libido;
- nocturnal erections;
- loss of appetite;
- irritability;
- persistent fatigue;
- Body temperature rose slightly.
Chronic prostatitis often has no symptoms, which is why patients are unaware of the problem and do not receive timely treatment. All of these can lead to many complications.
Complications may be:
- male infertility;
- impotence;
- urinary incontinence;
- prostate cyst;
- Prostate cancer tumors.
Diagnosing this disease is not difficult for a urologist. Doctors do this:
- Ask the patient about pain or discomfort;
- General inspection of the groin area for rash, discharge, or irritation;
- digital examination of the prostate (through the rectal opening);
- Prostate secretions were collected.
These procedures are very unpleasant and sometimes painful, but are the most acceptable for diagnosing the disease.
Additionally, patients will be required to submit:
- General urinalysis;
- urethral smear;
- Urine for bacterial research;
- three cups of urine;
- Scraping to determine the cause.
Hardware diagnostics include:
- Prostate ultrasound - to determine the size of the prostate gland and the presence of tumors or cysts;
- uroflowmetry - Determines the rate of urine flow. In a healthy state, exercise - fifteen milliliters per second, chronic prostatitis - less than ten;
- computerized tomography;
- biopsy.
Without performing all of the above diagnostic methods, doctors will not be able to determine how to treat chronic prostatitis.
Chronic prostatitis, while difficult to treat, is still possible, especially if detected in time.
Treatment of this disease consists of several stages:
- antibiotic treatment, which in most cases lasts for several weeks, or longer if necessary;
- Prostate Healing Massage Course - including fourteen doctor visits;
- Elimination of prostate spasms, stagnation of urine and secretions from the gland with the help of certain groups of drugs that can only be prescribed by specialists;
- Physiotherapy, including microwave and laser therapy, various ultrasound therapies, mud therapy, and enemas with water rich in minerals and hydrogen sulfide;
- herbal. A good effect is to use essential oils from pumpkin seeds;
- Surgical medical intervention, managed only in the case of abscesses or prostate adenomas, with changes in the size of the urethra.
Chronic prostatitis can be treated with folk remedies at home, but it must be combined with the above methods. This therapy can reduce pain when symptoms occur and prevent the disease from recurring.
At home, the progression of the disease can be lessened by:
- a mixture of honey and crushed pumpkin seeds;
- Freshly squeezed juices of cucumbers, beets and carrots. Use at least five hundred milliliters per day;
- pear preserves;
- parsley root soup;
- Ripe chestnut skin;
- infusion of celandine;
- Acupuncture bath, lasting no more than twenty minutes a day.
Additionally, a special diet will help speed up the recovery process by reducing or completely rejecting certain foods:
- Fatty meat, fish and mushroom soups;
- hot sauces and spices;
- onion, garlic, horseradish, radish, pepper;
- beans;
- cabbage;
- Milk and dairy products.
To prevent chronic prostatitis, men should follow some simple rules:
- If possible, avoid intense and prolonged hypothermia;
- Try to warm up every two hours with sedentary or sedentary work;
- For constipation, use special methods with a laxative effect;
- Only wear comfortable, not too tight clothing. Especially underwear.
- having sex without frequently changing partners;
- escape from long-term abstinence from sexual relations;
- If you suspect any genital disease of any nature, please consult your doctor promptly;
- Live a healthy lifestyle and quit all bad habits;
- Regulates how and what foods are eaten. It is best to eat small meals frequently, five or six times a day. Introduce plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and meat into the diet;
- Do physical exercise every day.
Following these simple tips will save a person from developing problems like chronic prostatitis. After all, it's easier to avoid it than to cure it.