Men do not like to go to the doctors. Why - who knows! If it is too busy to stand in the queue in front of medical study, or simply have a fear of people in white lab coats. Be that as it may, even in this serious disease, such as prostatitis, the stronger sex, often prefer to take care of yourself. This article is intended in the first place, so fans of home samobrazovaniya, and she goes on this issue, how to treat prostatitis folk remedies.

What is prostatitis?
The prostate gland called according to the heart of a man is an organ of small size, situated between column joint and the rectum. The inflammation of the prostate it is a disease, which is called prostatitis. Unfortunately, the disease is not so rare.
Different medical sources claim that in Russia, the number of men suffering from prostatitis, is from 35 to 70 % of the population. Regions give different statistics. Those suffering from this disease, about two-thirds are turning to doctors, the rest, apparently, are trying as much as possible to find out, what is the treatment of prostatitis folk remedies, and are trying to cope with the disease with its own forces.
The first symptoms
As is well known, any disease it is better to start treating at the beginning, not wait until she enters the chronic form. If a man care about occasional discomfort in the groin, in the area of the head of the penis and testicles, perhaps the first signs of prostatitis. Also the representatives of the stronger sex and should warn the so-called "syndrome the last drop". It is involuntary, uncontrollable selection of droplets of urine after urination was completed, during the sitting.
Sometimes, prostatitis is manifested once in the acute form, and here his signs is impossible not to notice. The patient warns:
- spicy, strong pain in the groin, horse, eggs, and above the pubis;
- often, it is very painful urination, and difficult;
- the sensation of pain during defecation;
- increase of body temperature up to 38-39 °C;
- the weakening of erection;
- weakness, sweating, general malaise.
If you are a doctor, then he will be able to make a diagnosis of prostatitis. The symptoms, the treatment and subsequent prevention measures for the disease has not returned once again, all of this is in close relationship with the other.
The symptoms of the chronic form of the disease, which is similar to acute, but more can be added to a significant weakening and damage to the sexual sensations and the appearance of the secretions from the urethra during defecation. The treatment of chronic prostatitis, such as acute, better to trust a doctor-urologist or andrologist.
The possible causes of the disease
The inflammation of the prostate gland can occur for many reasons. In the first place, the malocclusion can be caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi; in the second place, the cause of the disease is often contributed to the stagnation of the secretion of the prostate gland and the blood in the veins of this small organ that can contribute to transitional sex life.
Also congestion can be caused sedentary lifestyle or a sedentary life-style, wear too tight underwear and the abuse of alcohol. In addition, hormonal disorders, crash of the immune system, the presence of outbreaks of infectious diseases in the body where the germs can penetrate the prostate gland, - all this can cause prostatitis. The symptoms, treatment, folk remedies can bring some relief, but not eradicate the problem) unpleasant, however, timely appeal to the help of a specialist increases the chance of healing. Why samobrazovaniya often ineffective? The fact is that without analysis and professional, the diagnosis may be difficult to establish the true cause of the disease. And this also means that, after the success of healing you can come back. For those who, due to determine the circumstances do not want to resort to the help of doctors, are shown below the recipes of traditional medicine, which give us more good results in case of prostatitis.

Treatment candles with propolis
As is well known, propolis has very powerful properties inflammatory and antibacterial properties. That's why the traditional medicine with success using this tool for the inflammation of the prostate. The treatment of prostatitis in men with the help of propolis is a use of tinctures, ointments and candles, with its base.
Suppositories (with the right skills) can be easily manufacture in house. For this you need to take pure propolis extract in a quantity of 0.1 g and 2 g of cocoa butter, mix the two ingredients together, and manually form small candles. However, it is not the only recipe.
Here is another tip for the self-production of suppositories: melt 200 g of any fat, add 40-60 g of well-propolis powder, mix well. When the mixture is homogeneous, add the wax, mix, leave the mixture to rest, then drain the liquid resulting from the high, cold, cut the mass into pieces, 5 g and form their candles.
Suppositories must be inserted in the anus every night before going to sleep. Duration of treatment - month. Then comes the break of 4-6 weeks, after that again you need a month of treatment. All will need to pass 3 exchange rate. It is recommended to combine the therapy with oral medicinal mixture consisting of 10 g of propolis and 90 g of honey. Take this composition need a teaspoon to tablespoon (three times daily) for a month.
Ointment and tincture-based propolis
Well-proven and popular treatment of prostatitis propolis tincture and ointment. For the preparation of the last need 30 grams of propolis and mix with extra virgin olive oil or sunflower oil. Preferably in a water bath. The resulting composition need to lubricate the perineal area within 14 days.
To prepare a tincture that is too easy: in the 96% alcohol to dissolve the propolis in a ratio of 1:2 and put for 2 weeks in a cool, dark place. By the time the dye must be agitated. At the end of this period, the infusion must be filtered. It is now possible to carry out the course of treatment. 30-40 drops of tincture is dissolved in the milk or in water, and is accepted in some half an hour before a meal. For the entire course of the month. The cake that remains after strain, throw away is not necessary - it is perfect for suppositories.
Tinctures, ointments, and candles made of propolis to relieve the pain, reduce the size of the prostate inflammation, normalize the function of work and flow of urine, improve the general health of a sick person.
Prostatitis treatment-herbal and plants
Traditional medicine is recourse to the healing power of various herbs in the treatment of many diseases, and prostatitis is not an exception. There is a lot of plants, you can make decoctions and infusions that help in the presence of this malocclusion. Here's a list of them:
- parsley;
- the chestnuts,
- hazel;
- pyrola and Wintergreen;
- calendula;
- nettle;
- fennel;
- yarrow;
- harrow the field;
- uva ursi;
- cyanosis;
- adonis;
- the pumpkin.
Parsley serves in the juice that you want to take half an hour before meal: one tablespoon 3 times a day. Beautiful also the decoction of the seeds of this plant. Parsley quickly reduces the inflammation and restores sexual function.
In the treatment of chestnut is used the same kernel, and their shells with needles. They just need to drink beer and instead of the preparation. This drink has an effect very beneficial to the prostate gland.
The seeds of pumpkin can do at home treatment of prostatitis is very effective! After all, this is one of the most effective means, which since ancient times has been appreciated by all the herbal remedies and traditional healers. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of zinc - a chemical element, is necessary for every man. They can be eaten whole, in the form of a powder, before a meal or mixed with honey.
The use of decoctions of leaves and a crust of hazelnuts for the treatment of prostatitis - also a good option! These ingredients it is better to drink beer and, alternately, a quarter cup 3-4 times a day. Relief should take place already after a week.
The juice of elderberries, the juice of parsley, the peel of the chestnuts, decoction of uva ursi, primrose and burdock root, it is possible to prepare for the infusion of drugs. Take the drug should in a matter of two-three weeks, after this period the symptoms of the disease begin to retire. The cyanosis is possible to prepare and drink a decoction of her, as if the chronic and acute prostatitis, and here, for example, adonis shown only in the chronic during illness. Both of the plants it is better to have a beer fresh, that is, directly from the garden.

The treatment of prostatitis folk remedies it would be good to integrate hydrotherapy. For this you can do warm (not above 43 degrees) sessile hot tubs or double (up to 38 degrees). In the water you can, and you must add milk-oil mixture and decoctions of the series, chamomile and sage. Important: in the acute phase of the disease hot baths can be harmful, before doing them, you need to consult a physician.
A good calming and relaxing effect produce a shared bath, the temperature of which does not exceed the temperature of the body (36 degrees). Take their need no more than 10-20 minutes. Are allowed and the heat (41-43 degrees) bath - can alleviate the pain during muscle contraction and act relaxed when over-excitation. Necessarily need to make sure that the area of the heart, was not covered by water! After the procedure, you need to take a cold shower comfortable temperature.
Treatment of fruit juice
Sokoterapiya can also integrate the treatment of prostatitis. Reviews talk about this method, as it is very strong, but with some side effects. The fact is that the juice mixture, the recipe of which will be given below, actively promote the dissolution of rocks and sand in the kidneys and gall bladder and their subsequent removal from the body, and this may be accompanied by severe attacks of pain.
We now go directly to the recipe: it is necessary to prepare a mixture of beet, cucumber juice and carrot juice and drink this multivitamin fresh for half a cup 3-4 times a day. The course - a couple of weeks. Very important: juice, beet juice drink, you need to give it a couple of hours of rest.
The treatment of prostatitis in men, perhaps with the help of nr. The main thing - to find suitable for the processing of raw materials. The clay you need to look in the cave, in the cliffs, because deep the product has a greater biological activity of the surface. The tool can be bought at your local pharmacy. Better to use the deep blue clay. His need to soak in a decoction or infusion of medicinal herbs until the consistency is very thick sour cream, then form a ball of a thickness of 2-3 cm, and put it on an area of the prostate gland, secure the bandages. From the top you may want to put the wool fabric, warm wrap myself in a blanket and stay 2 hours.
During this procedure, the patient may disturb quite a lot of pain, we must endure. The presence of pain means that the clay works, and in full swing cleaning. After two hours of a ball can acquire an unpleasant smell, which speaks of a great quantity of toxins that could pull out from the body. Use the clay is to be thrown away, and better yet - buried in the soil. Note: after the procedure can not come out, it is best to stay warm.
How to eat with prostatitis?
If you need some particular diet in the treatment of prostatitis? The symptoms (the treatment of this disease can not be called fast) can be much more easy, if you eat correctly and to exclude a series of harmful products from the diet. When the inflammation of the prostate should abandon smoked, and salted food, to how tasty they are! Various pickles, preserves, including the tasks, you also need to delete from the menu. Moreover, the ban applies to alcohol, radishes, radicchio, spicy condiments, muffins, pastries, coffee, tea. With regard to the garlic and onion, then their there is possible, but only in small amounts.
Sick prostatitis showed a varied diet that includes dairy products, cheese, nuts, sunflower seeds (especially pumpkin), lean meat and fish, cereals, vegetables, fruit. Particularly important to eat food that contains zinc: legumes, liver, chicken, sea fish, various seafood, grapefruits, apples, berries (raspberries, currants), honey, celery, beets, tomatoes, baked potatoes, etc., As you can see, the food can be very varied and tasty.
Useful tips
There are a variety of methods of treatment of prostatitis. Some of them have been discussed in this article. Besides them I would like to give a series of useful tips that will help you in the case of inflammation of the prostate.
- It is necessary to avoid hypothermia, and not only outdoors but also indoors.
- When sitting on a chair and need to compress the buttocks. If there is this possibility, it is better to sit and rest.
- Prostate massage is useful, because there is not enough supplied with blood. It is worth to do it 1 time a week or more. For this anus it is inserted a finger. It is more convenient to do so, crouching.
- After the toilet can be a small syringe to introduce into the rectum chamomile - it is very well relieves inflammation.
The chronic prostatitis can scroll through in waves, with periodic improvements, and this state of things may last for years. The period of remission may be erroneously considered a man as a complete cure, and in this time the inflammatory process can invisible to spread to the urinary system. As you know, nothing good can not. So, when the first suspicions as to the inflammation of the prostate is better as soon as possible visit a doctor. Similar words is not an attempt to intimidate, and the desire to help treat this difficult disease, such as prostatitis. Be in health!