Absolutely any sex-related problem can cause serious stress in a man and lead to long-term depression. A person starts looking for a way to get rid of urogenital disorders. In addition, both medication and alternative treatments using herbal forms are used. There are many types of folk remedies for prostatitis and impotence.

Causes and symptoms of disease
In fact, a variety of factors may contribute to the development of an inflammatory process in the prostate. In most cases, inflammation occurs due to hypothermia, chronic stress, poor immunity, and irregular sex. Many men face this problem due to any infection present in the body.
Identifying chronic prostate adenomas on your own is much more difficult. The disease can pass without obvious symptoms, which often leads to impotence. Erectile dysfunction may also decrease for other reasons, namely:
- the presence of diabetes;
- Nervous system disease;
- circulatory disturbance;
- hormonal disorders;
- Depression, especially long-term.
You can recognize the disease by its characteristic symptoms, which manifest as frequent urination. Also, during the process, men may experience burning, pain. These feelings may not go away for long. Often, a pain syndrome occurs during intercourse and, in addition, rapid ejaculation can be observed.
There are other signs of the disease, the presence of which should be cause for concern:
- lack of libido;
- The penis remains weak and flaccid during intercourse or arousal;
- rapid ejaculation;
- No erection in the morning.
If at least one symptom or symptoms persist for more than two months, then this should be a reason to contact a specialist. Even if the patient does not have any discomfort and has to go to the doctor, he is not worried about the pain. Many times, a man self-diagnoses with impotence and is embarrassed to seek qualified help. In fact, most conditions detected in time are curable.
Prostatitis and impotence are treated with herbal medicine in the early stage, and compound therapy is used in the later stage. But in any case, the disease needs to be diagnosed, and only a doctor can do that.
Useful Properties of Herbs
Herbal treatments are very effective in the early stages of prostate inflammation. With their help, you can eliminate unpleasant symptoms that appear during exacerbations and prevent a man from leading a normal life. But it's worth knowing that taking such drugs requires special care, as they can cause some side effects.
In addition, when treating home remedies, the following prescriptions must be observed:

- For allergies, this factor should be taken into account when choosing all remedies so as not to cause complications and not to aggravate clinical symptoms:
- In chronic diseases, it is necessary to take it in divided doses after consulting the attending physician;
- Botanical ingredients can also cause poisoning, so it is best to have a course and dosage prescribed by a specialist, and the patient strictly adheres to these rules.
It's also understandable that this serious disease is unlikely to heal in a week. On average, a course of herbal medicine lasts a month and the process is repeated again after a short time. You should not stop treatment immediately at the first signs of improvement, as the disease is insidious and relapses quickly, but in a chronic form that is more difficult to cure.
List of herbs
There are many medicinal materials and costs for the treatment of prostatitis and other diseases. In addition, tinctures and decoctions have a positive effect on male potency, normalizing blood circulation and urination. It is worth noting that a full course of traditional medicine fully restores the prostate and improves the reproductive system.
According to experts, the treatment of prostatitis is most effective with herbs, but it is recommended to combine herbs with official methods.
The list of herbs designed to combat male pathology is as follows:

- Ginseng helps relieve the swelling that often occurs with prostatitis. In addition, it has nourishing, stimulating, restorative properties. This herb contains substances that provide the person with the necessary energy and strength. In addition, this plant is an aphrodisiac that improves erection and prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes.
- Ginger has long been known for its medicinal properties. The composition contains ingredients that restore potency in a short period of time. Since the plant has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it can treat inflammatory processes in the prostate. Also, the use of ginger-based decoctions increases the body's defenses, but weakens them with disease.
- Dubrovnik. This herb is part of many medications designed to treat prostatitis and many other pathological conditions in men. The Dubrovnik-based decoction has a negative effect on the pathogenic microorganisms that are the causative agent of this disease. Even in the chronic form, this plant is perfect to help the condition worsen.
- St. John's Wort. This plant contains a very useful substance for the male body - flavonoids. In addition, the use of tinctures made on its basis can dilate blood vessels, eliminate inflammation, reduce swelling and destroy pathogenic bacteria. St. John's wort is recommended not only for prostate adenomas, but also for impotence.
- Healing aloe vera. The pure juice of this plant has strong anti-inflammatory properties and helps to eliminate inflammation that causes impotence in men. In addition, flowers have a positive effect on other organs of the genitourinary system, which can lead to the development of prostatitis.
The effectiveness of herbal preparations treatment is due to the fact that they contain substances that help to quickly eliminate the cause of the development of the disease in men. Once the inflammation is gone, the potency will be fully restored.
Recipes for making infusions and decoctions
Phytotherapy for male conditions has been used for a long time and is very effective. Many herbal preparations are part of popular medicines. In addition, such drugs have few side effects, so they can be used without fear of harming the body.
The most effective folk remedies that help to cure prostatitis and impotence can be prepared according to the following recipes:
- cannabis seeds. To make this product, you need to carefully grind 200 grams of ingredients, add 1 liter of boiling water, and mix well. Take 100ml of the therapeutic mixture 3 times a day.
- Ref. To prepare this tincture, you will need 2 tablespoons. A few scoops of chopped root and good quality vodka (300ml) or medical alcohol (150ml). Combine the two ingredients in a glass container and close with an airtight lid. After that, the solution must be taken out in a dark place for three days before it is injected. For the treatment of male impotence, it is recommended to take 10 drops each in the morning, noon and before going to bed.
- Candle. Candles can be made at home to provide quick relief from inflammation and also eliminate unpleasant symptoms such as itching, pain, and swelling. First you need to mix petroleum jelly, wax and lanolin. All ingredients in equal amounts - 100 grams each. Add 150 grams of propolis to the total mass. After that, it is necessary to mold candles from this mixture, place them on clean paper and set them in the refrigerator. Use homemade candles before bed every day, but require a cleansing enema before use.
- ointment. For the manufacture of external agents, you need to prepare 3 tablespoons. Tbsp chopped flax seeds, 1 Tbsp. 1 scoop of any petroleum jelly (you can replace it with buttercream), 3 tbsp. Badger Fat Spoon. You will also need 0. 5 liters of medical alcohol. All ingredients are mixed and steamed. For the treatment of prostatitis, the skin of the perineal area needs to be treated, the treatment composition is left for one hour and then removed with a damp cloth.

Plus, common parsley, onion, and pumpkin seeds are excellent for prostate adenomas. Adding these foods to the daily diet is enough to significantly improve the general condition of the male body. These vegetables are also used for preventive purposes.
But in any case, you should pay more attention to your health and get regular checkups. The truth is, this male pathology is easier to prevent than to cure. Yes, prompt diagnosis can reduce the risk of more serious conditions like impotence and prostate cancer.