The same prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate gland (the prostate). A gland situated below the bladder, optiva the urethra. And at the least inflammation, the prostate begins to grow, so peredelyvala urinary channels. As a result, you are experiencing any problems with going to the bathroom and severe pain. Very often prostatitis occurs in men after 30-35 years. About 80% elderly men, in some measure suffer from this disease. So, now the 30% of the young guy, 20 to 30 subjects to this disorder. This article describes in detail: how to correctly identify the early symptoms of prostatitis, as accurately diagnose the disease and that you need to do in the first place, after the confirmation of the diagnosis.

Signs of the development of prostatitis
How do you show a prostatitis? Doctors usually distinguish 6 signs that predict the prostatitis. If a man has noticed this myself at least 2, taken from this list, the be sure to ask your doctor:
- Slightly leaning towards the low to the jet of urine with a small autonomy;
- Difficult moments during urination;
- Painful phenomena in the course of urination;
- The duration of urination, sprays of urine, intermittency of the jet;
- Partial emptying of the bladder;
- Frequent urination, especially at night.
The doctor will always be able to identify the first signs of prostatitis in men, and treatment after the diagnosis is made in a timely manner, with a positive result.
The causes of malocclusion
Experts say on the following causes of formation of the disease:
- The weakening of the immune system and reduce the barriers that prevent many viral infections;
- Infectious processes viral elements, the microbes, the bacteria through the blood or lymph pathways within the prostate. A sign of this phenomenon – the temperature of prostatitis increases;
- A sedentary lifestyle – due to problems of blood flow, shortage of oxygen;
- The Crash into circulation because of stagnant moments in the genital area – occurs due to disorderly sexual life, of a long abstinence from sex, irregular sexual sexual relations.
The inflammatory changes in the prostate may start due to the penetration of germs, but for the development of the infection need a microflora-pathogenic, that may be created due to the following factors – the presence of unhealthy dependencies, constipation, hormonal disorder, injury, hypothermia, and so on.
The reasons of prostatitis in men can be defined as:
- Hormonal disorders — is there a version that an excessive production of testosterone.
- Unfavorable influence on the prostate tissue, causing proliferation, and inflammation. No less dangerous, and hormone insufficiency, which relaxes the genito-urinary tract function.
- Violations of the immune status — when the body works "at the limit", has reduced the security features. He is not able to resist bacteria and viruses to penetrate him from the outside or do not reconcile well with the impact of the processes chronic.
- Passive sexual life — a man with irregular intimate relationships with the phenomena of stagnation, which leads to inflammation.
- Wrong choice of tactics of sexual contact — it is not a secret that many couples as a contraceptive method practice coitus interruptus. They do not represent that then prevent the outflow of sperm. Moreover, following the PAP is broken, the mechanism of outflow of blood, which is actively rising to the pelvic organs and contributes to the maintenance of full erection.
- Sedentary life-style men — leads to stagnation phenomena.
- Urethral reflux — arises in the background of the bacterial defeat of the urethra. In the case of a breach of a mechanism of outflow of urine, the game enters in the seminal path and is the bacterial contamination of the prostate.
- Violation of food rules — if the diet is present in junk food, mainly of animal fat and lack of protein and fiber, which affects the hormone balance and complete the work of the intestine.
- Excessive exercise, especially with the use of steroid drugs.
- Hypothermia may lead to a lowering of the immune system and the development of pathogenic flora.
- Messy sex life — it increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Venereal infection in men occur often hidden, when this affects the tissue of the prostate. According to the research, in 78% of cases the cause of the inflammation, directly or indirectly, are trichomonas, chlamydia, giardinelli, gonorrhea.

The prostate has a defense mechanism: it produces a secret, which has antibacterial properties. But in the presence of aggressive pathogenic factors, do not reconcile well with the load and is heating up. Active men of reproductive age (18-50 years old) are often encountered with acute prostatitis in the act. In the middle ages the main causes of prostatitis become sedentary lifestyles, hypothermia and transient sexual life. In this acute period of a process in which the symptoms have not paid attention, have not started a treatment timely, he has every chance of going in chronic. For the male population over the age of 50 years is characterized by three pathological process of the prostate:chronic prostatitis, adenoma, adenocarcinoma. In this case, it is indicated the surgical treatment in a complex with the hormone therapy and other methods.
The symptoms of malocclusion
How do you show a prostatitis? The main symptoms that indicate the onset of prostatitis – knotted, the process of urination, painful sensation at this time. Frequently the stimulus for bladder emptying small portions indicates the development of malocclusion. The initial stages of the malocclusion can occur without symptoms. Serious-illness-identify much easier – the manifestation of a malocclusion always a sudden, strong. You must take into account — the course of the disease due to the individual characteristics of the body of each person.
Emphasize the following symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland:
- Pain in the perineal area;
- The processes of defecation, accompanied painful heart attacks;
- Violation of power;
- Frequent urination;
- General malaise;
- The feeling of overcrowding in the bladder;
- The secretory phenomena of the urethra during defecation.
Painful attacks with the development of malocclusion
Pain during prostatitis in men are not characterized by a precise localization. In the absence of a process of treatment of the pain attacks increase, they spread to other sexual organs. When the running situations occurs, the development of the acute phase of the disease, the adenoma. Regular painful attacks lead the unpleasant life-style, the development of neuroses, male sex, worsens the quality of life.
Usually pain occur at the following times:
- During urination;
- During the erection;
- During sexual intercourse;
- At the end of the sexual intercourse;
- In the process of defecation;
- Because of the long period of abstinence or, on the contrary, harassing sexual relations;
- After hypothermia;
The lower part of the back begins to hurt, when the malocclusion is spread outside of the prostate. Painful attacks or blunt or sharp. As A result of negligence malocclusion painful sensation that can last for a long time. Also malocclusions in the area of the prostate are characterized blunt or sharp painful attacks in the area of the groin, rarely in the leg.
Resolution of painful sensations as possible using the following methods:

- Massage of the prostate;
- Herbal treatment;
- Hormonal methods the treatment of malocclusion;
- A special diet for the normalization of the human condition;
- Antibacterial resolution of harmful elements;
- The use of blockers for oblegchenno effect during urination.
The symptoms of acute prostatitis
- High temperature;
- A strong pain in the groin, in the groin area, above the pubis;
- Pain during urination;
- The poor state of general health;
- Power reduction, etc
In the case of chronic prostatitis, the clinical picture is most frequently deleted. The symptoms may be entirely absent. Therefore, in this case, a key role belongs to the preventive inspections, the objective of which is the identification begins inflammation of the prostate.
The symptoms of chronic prostatitis
- Emerging and fast enough passing perineal pain, groin or above the pubis;
- Decrease in sexual desire (libido);
- Changing the duration of sexual intercourse (in some cases, detail premature ejaculation, in the other — a significant lengthening of the sexual intercourse);
- The change of character sexual feelings (decrease of brightness of orgasm);
- The appearance of secretions from the urethra, especially in the morning (prostatorrhea).
Diagnostic measures
The doctor can identify the symptoms of prostatitis in men and its treatment will be promptly assigned. To determine the prostatitis is necessary to consult a urologist, who will examine and appoint other important diagnostic procedures:
- Medical inspection for the overall composition of the clinical picture;
- Take the examinations of the urine;
- Tests for the detection of sexually transmitted diseases;
- The presence or absence of infection, is taken to be a smear of the urethral;
- Analysis of the seminal fluid;
- ULTRASOUND of the genital organs;
- The ivu;
- Biopsy – in case of suspicion of the phenomena of cancer.

Methods of treatment of prostatitis
To treat this malocclusion? After the diagnosis of the disease, the doctor determines a treatment regimen of malocclusion, is usually used an integrated approach, made up of the following moments:
- Antibacterial therapeutic ways – specialist assigns a course of medication, i.e., antibiotics to eliminate harmful trace elements, have led to the prostatitis. Also lower the temperature;
- The physiological consequences, for example, using laser, ultrasonic waves, electromagnetic fluctuations.
- Are used the traditional methods of treatment – hot baths with treatments based on herbal medicines;
- It is a massage in the area of the prostate gland – the free conducted by the phenomena of stagnation, increases blood flow to the genitals;
- Herbal medicine – the use of decoctions, which are very useful herbal medicines, food supplements helps to strengthen the immune system, fights infection;
- Psychotherapeutic ways due to a prostatitis that men develop psychological problems as a negative, disappear confidence, appear the fears during sexual acts;
- The surgical techniques of treatment apply to the execution and heavy phases of the development of malocclusion, for example, abscess of the prostate;
- Adaptation of the immune system – your doctor may prescribe certain vitamins, minerals and trace elements useful for strengthening the immune system of the patient;
- Balanced, correct nutrition during the prostatitis, the rejection of alcohol, smoking, fatty foods, limiting consumption of salt, and also drink more normal water – not less than 2 liters per day.
If you do not promptly started the treatment of prostatitis can appear a series of complications, characterized by:
- bladder outlet obstruction with significant delay of urination, which requires the application of a surgical method for the treatment;
- the passage of inflammation from acute to chronic;
- the development of any form of male infertility;
- cystitis-recurrent;
- contraction, scarring of the urethra;
- pyelonephritis, other kidney disease;
- abscess of the prostate, which requires surgery;
- it is observed that, in danger of life of the patient (this most exposed to sick people with weak immunity, diabetes mellitus, kidney failure).
It is important to know! The malocclusion can lead to cancer of the prostate (celebrating the 7% of men over the age of 50 years), which seriously worsen the lives of the men, and even lead to death.
Because of what appeared to be a disease
Prostatitis has several species, some of the causes of the disease.
The main factors triggering the onset of prostatitis, the following:

- Infections. The bacteria enter the prostatic gland in different ways, and ways. Young men who have sex without a contraceptive (condom), have a high risk of the disease due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms (chlamydia, mycoplasma, etc). In addition to this, the appearance of prostatitis occurs as a result of any of the internal chronic diseases. Harmful bacteria can reach the prostate with the flow of the lymph or blood. Pathological microorganisms can also "get down" in the prostate urethra. Then the disease caused diseases of the urinary system (urethritis, pyelonephritis) when a weakened immunity.
- Stagnant processes. They occur with obesity, sedentary life-style, as well as the microcirculation of the blood in the organs of the small pelvis is broken. Prostate as a result of this, it is not the amount of oxygen and nutrients.
- An accident. Due to mechanical damage of the tissue and of the pelvic organs (OMT) may occur, and eliminates the congestion trigger an inflammatory process. These cases often occur in truck drivers by virtue of the professional activity is connected with long-term sedentary position and constant from a trauma to the chair, the batter of the OMT.
The opinion of doctors. Urologists sure that the prostatitis is not a lifetime diagnosis. If the treatment has not produced a fast result, then it is a problem not to give up and think, have you ever done absolutely all the requirements. Only a joint action and the efforts of the doctor and the patient, confident in the success of the therapy will help the man feel in good health and, therefore, the full title.