In the treatment of diseases in men are used different the tools. In many cases, the drugs by an adenoma of the prostate in men are very effective and allow you to avoid surgery or delay. During the pharmacological treatment sometimes occur side effects that must be considered when choosing medications.

When indicated, the pharmacological treatment
Drug therapy for male disease, are to be assigned according to the testimony of as the main or processing auxiliary. Necessarily take into account the characteristics of the disease, the condition of the body of the patient and contraindications for the use of drugs.
The medicines are assigned as the main or treatment auxiliary
Indications for medical treatment
- Lack of kidney problems,
- The inability to perform the operation
- Re-development of adenomas after surgical treatment.
The pharmacological treatment is given in the early stages of development of malocclusions, when the violations of the minimum functions, and still there are no complications, reflects the work of the kidneys. The operational implementation of therapy there are no contraindications — the advanced age of the patient, the state of the cardiovascular system.
- Serious disorders of urination.
- The volume of residual urine more than 100 ml.
- Acute urinary retention.
- Haematuria.
- Stones in the bladder.
More recently, the main method of treatment of male disease was the operation. With the Progres-pharmacologic method of therapy only 20% of men with this diagnosis worked, the others receive an effective treatment with the help of drugs.
Drugs for the treatment of the adenoma
There are some groups of drugs for the therapy of the disease:
- alpha-blockers;
- antibacterial;
- inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase;
- hormonal drugs;
- herbal remedies.
When antibiotics are necessary
Antibiotic therapy is indicated in case of accession of a bacterial infection. In this case, they are used Gentamicin, Levorin, drugs from the group of cephalosporins. With the help of antibiotics capable of paying back the inflammation and improve urodynamics. In the choice of drug should take into account possible contraindications to receive.

Drugs of this group have a relaxing effect on the muscle fibers of the prostate. Stop muscle spasms and normalizes the process of urination. Facilitate with the help of alpha-adrenoblokatorami quickly reached. Many drugs in this group cause a significant decrease in arterial pressure, therefore, they are contraindicated men with low blood pressure. Such an effect by no means on the basis of tamsulosin. These medicines from an adenoma of the prostate, there are more attention and can be administered to elderly patients, but also to those who have these related problems, such as diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, as they have fewer side effects.
One of the most common tools for treatment of malocclusion of the group of alpha-blockers – Omnic. Prescribed medication for the resolution of functional disorders urinary organs. The treatment effect was already evident after 2 weeks of taking it. In the early stages of the development of the disease in patients the action comes after the first dose. The drug belongs to a highly selective, i.e., it acts selectively, precisely those organs, for the treatment of which is used, so side effects appear seldom. On blood pressure Omnic does not affect.
Omnic is available in capsules. Is taken once a day, one capsule after meals in the morning. This medication is contraindicated in case of severe hepatic insufficiency, and in the case of hypersensitivity to the components that comprise it.
Inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase
Drugs in this group allow you to get rid of the symptoms of the development of the disease, as they prevent the progress of the disease, leading to a reduction in the size of the development of malocclusion. This is achieved by reducing the level of dihydrotestosterone hormone which causes hyperplasia of the prostate. After treatment with inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase, more than half of the patients do not need operation. During treatment with these drugs is appropriate to remember that to get the effect need of the time. Relief of symptoms can only occur after 3-6 months of therapy. Important advantage of these tools is their effectiveness, with the large size of the adenoma men.
The possible side effects associated with the inhibition of the sexual function, he meets the weakening of erection, reduction spermophobia. After taking the medications the negative effects will disappear, and the sexual function of men is fully restored.

Hormones in the treatment of prostate adenoma
The use of hormonal drugs in the treatment of adenoma of the prostate, in fact, that their hormones regulate the growth of the glandular tissue of the organ. In some cases it is necessary to block the synthesis of testosterone, to limit the action of the androgen on the prostate. In others, it is necessary to increase the amount of male sex hormones. These medicines are assigned, not all of the patients, as well as have a long list of side effects.
Vegetable drugs
For the therapy of malocclusions apply the medicines of vegetable origin, that are quite effective, but have fewer side effects. They can establish a process of urination, strengthening of the speed of the flow of urine and eliminate the inflammation. Some drugs effectively eliminate the swelling, by improving the urinary function, without reducing the libido.
The action of herbal remedies
- Reduction of the factors of growth of the cells of the prostate.
- The blocking of androgen receptors.
- The suppression of the action of the enzymes involved in the hormonal exchange.
- The impact on the tissue growth factors.
Natural medicine are now available in convenient forms, very often are assigned to and as a standalone tool, if necessary, mild impact, and as part of an integrated therapy.
When the adenoma of the prostate is of great importance in the success of the treatment plays the timeliness of the measures taken. When the first signs of trouble, it is necessary to seek medical attention. Today, often men themselves, the treatment prescribed, after reading an article on medication, drugs, reviews on how to use them. On the forums of the websites dedicated to male issues, you can find a lot of recommendations for the treatment of bph. However, self-medication do not worth the effort as this can only worsen the situation. The most effective is the combined treatment of most drugs. The right to choose their can only be a specialist after the analysis of the data obtained in the course of diagnostic investigations.

One of the frequent diseases in men is the inflammation of the prostate gland. Today drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma and prostatitis can be found in any pharmacy, but purchase them from only (without medical recommendations) not worth the effort. Drugs vary in effects for adenomas and prostatitis are used established patterns. On what drugs are often prescribed by doctors and how to act, you learn from this article.
The main groups of drugs and their mechanism of action
The first thing that should be said of adenoma of the prostate, which can not be executed. If you feel pain during urination, then go immediately in the department of urology, to conduct a survey and reveal the disease because the reason of this may be any other inflammation, the appearance of kidney stones. In advanced cases, the inflammation turns into a tumor, and this simple medications cure does not work. There is no need to postpone a doctor's visit.
As far as the drugs, all of these are divided into main groups:
- With androgens is the active ingredient enters into the composition of many drugs from prostatitis, and helps to improve the tone of the detrusor, which greatly improves the urination.
- With the progesterones – doctors call them anti-androgens. The use of drugs of this group helps to reduce the adenoma, be an anesthetic, ... of the patient. It is advisable to combine them with a special treatment: massage of the prostate, electrophoresis, phonophoresis.
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with prostatitis herbal. Even if they are not considered to be the most effective, however, have a powerful antiseptic. Among the herbs that is particularly worthy of note is the sage, a mother and stepmother, chamomile, fennel, parsley, stinging nettle.
List of the best medicines from prostatitis and prostate adenoma
Between the options of drugs is able to choose the most suitable, however, how to treat the adenoma of the prostate without operations quickly and efficiently will tell you only the doctor. It is important to remember that treatment should consist of taking medications and other procedures, promotes rapid healing of the patient. A striking example are the massage, physiotherapy.

Rectal candle
Candles for the treatment of prostatitis and adenoma of the prostate can be defined as the most effective. Are in possession of a vast physical action, have a positive effect on the affected area. Coming in to the pharmacy, it's easy to get lost, because the range rectal suppository is so great that the drug will be difficult. However, the doctors have helped those who have shown among the most effective drugs, often assigned:
- Ichthyol candles from prostatitis. Improve the blood circulation, have antiseptic, anesthetic action. They are often prescribed up to date with the tablets, or physiotherapy. The candles do not smell very pleasant, but this does not affect the effects on your skin. Contraindications this drug does not.
- Candles with propolis. Alleviate the pain during urination, have anti-inflammatory effects. A great advantage is the price of these candles are budget. In addition, without the side effects of the medication is not causing, thus, can be used as a preventive measure.
- "Prostatilen". These candles with indomethacin to help relieve the swelling, inflammation, and is interrupted, to normalize the function of the prostate. Suitable for the treatment of advanced stage.
- Popular candles for the treatment of prostatitis. They are used in the treatment of complex cases of prostatitis, to have an effective anti-inflammatory. However, a number of contraindications does not give the possibility to use this medication every patient.
As and candles, the tablets are divided into groups according to their actions. Pharmacological treatment should only prescribe urologist after having conducted a survey, which allows you to determine how to treat the adenoma of the prostate. The purchase and the intake of drugs without a prescription is unlikely to positively affect a speedy recovery. Such as medicines from prostatitis often prescribed by doctors:
- Anti-inflammatory drugs – are assigned in the acute form of an adenoma, when the pain during urination.
- Anti-spasmodic – this group of tablets relieves spasms and relaxes the muscles, which greatly improves the circulation of blood.
- Antibiotics in the case of adenoma of the prostate gland caused by infections defeat the breasts and found bacteria that are the causative agent of the disease, are assigned to the pills of this group. To determine which antibiotic to with prostatitis, suitable only will you be able doctor that performs the using. Antibiotics drink course in collaboration with the rectal drugs.

All are effective drugs that improve the regenerative processes. Injection is indicated as a conservative treatment or for the prevention, protect the prostate from the virus. The assay can give only a doctor, as there are no side effects.
Effective herbal remedies prepared from which they are derived
In the complex treatment of prostatitis is also often used herbal. Of their components, selectively accumulate in the tissues of the prostate, reduce symptoms of inflammation, helping to strengthen the protective functions protect the cells from the defeat by free radicals and control the process of excessive proliferation of the tissues of the prostate. Because of the complete and balanced composition of the course the resolution of the difficulties associated with urination, weakness and pain. The components of the complex on a background of standard therapy effectively influence the main symptoms of chronic prostatitis, contribute to the improvement of urination: reduce the frequency of urination and strengthens the jet of urine, improve health and have a tonic effect in patients with chronic prostatitis.

During the search current medications for the treatment of prostate adenoma and prostatitis does not get the publicity of the people herbal funds, would be able to deliver you from this disease. It is worth mentioning that are not medicines, but rather Badami, which is necessary to take preventive measures. In part there are plant extracts, which positively influences the state and functioning of the prostate, but in the case of the acute phase of the disease, prepared herbal remedies from which they are derived tools are not able to cure.
If you often face with adenoma of the prostate, the doctor will be able to prescribe the tools of prevention can reduce the risk of a new inflammation. Their effect is felt on itself is already a lot of men, they only give positive reviews. The drugs do a great job with inflammatory processes, by blocking and allowing their prostate gland function as expected.
Discover and other methods, how to treat the adenoma of the prostate gland in men.
Medicines from prostatitis and adenoma of prostate is used as part of a complete treatment in order to reduce the symptoms and to affect the underlying factors that trigger the violation. Patients it is worth to remember about the dangers of self-medication and find medication, trust only a qualified doctor-the urologist. In the course of the assignment shall take into account the age, concomitant diseases, the characteristics of the body of the patient.