Prostatitis male disease, in which the representative of the stronger sex occurs an inflammatory process of the prostate, causing the emergence of a series of unpleasant symptoms. This gland is located in the body of a representative of the stronger sex under the bladder. How to symptoms of prostatitis, the person will manifest pain in the lower abdomen or back, and even on horseback. When there is a violation of urination, in addition, the stimuli are more and more frequent. During ejaculation the man feels the pain. The prostate is exclusively of the male organ.

Quite often with prostatitis the patient is also diagnosed urethritis, vesiculitis. If the patient is elderly, has a parallel can also take place adenoma of the prostate.
The prostate gland produces a liquid, which then becomes the basis for the sperm. The causes of its inflammation are often the infection is bacterial, trauma, a strong hypothermia, problems with blood circulation in the pelvic organs, hormonal disorder in the body, transitory life sexual. The disease is characterized by people of different age groups, but more often prostatitis frequent in people that has not yet reached the age of fifty years.
The types of prostatitis
Prostatitis treatment depends on what form of disease has placed man. Thus, bacterial prostatitis can occur both in the severe form, and as a chronic disease. Very often also diagnosed prostatitis, non-bacterial, it flows like a chronic disease. This type of prostatitis also called the syndrome of chronic pelvic pain. These patients were observed all specific to the symptoms of prostatitis, but in the secret of the prostate gland are not present in bacteria.
For acute prostatitis bacterial is typical of rapid development. The man in this suffers from a strong pain, there are signs of intoxication. Much less bright you experience the symptoms in the chronic form of the disease. In this case, the disease manifests gradually.
The causes of prostatitis
The development of prostatitis, promotes a series of special reasons. Very often the signs of prostatitis occur in men who lead irregular sexual life, often hypothermia and injury. In addition, the prostatitis can develop as a consequence of reduced immunity, the deterioration of the blood and lymph circulation in the pelvic organs of men, as the result of a failure hormonal that causes a certain level of failure. A factor that contributes to the manifestation of prostatitis, is also considered to be a series of sexually-transmitted diseases.
In addition, the symptoms of prostatitis often occur in the presence of a patient some barriers at the exit of the bladder (gallstones, tumors, etc).
The development of bacterial prostatitis for about 80% of the cases, causes and. coli in other cases, the causative agent become other bacteria. A further factor that contributes to disease, is the fact that as the terrain of culture to the development of the bacteria use prostate juice. The penetration of bacteria into the prostate is carried through the blood, and infects the urethra may enter the prostate gland through the lymph.
The symptoms of prostatitis
The symptoms of acute prostatitis form show a strong increase of the temperature. The patient suffering from chills, has back pain, you experience pain in the muscles and joints. In the horse the man feels a certain discomfort and the unusual sensation of heat. We can form edema, the prostate increases in size. Increase in the frequency of urinate, the urine of the patient cloudy. With the time, when you tap the horse will experience pain, which becomes more intense with a strong pressure on the prostate. Due to the common symptoms of acute prostatitis added to the feeling of pain in the lumbar-sacral and in the genital area. Sometimes the pain can spread to other areas of the body. The patient complains of a significant increase in the frequency of night-time urination, in the process of urination does suffer burning sensation.
Chronic prostatitis, having the nature of a bacterial, often asymptomatic, but can cause the appearance of a man's signs of infections of the urinary tract, occur as complications of the disease. Also, in this case, you may experience the following symptoms of prostatitis: pain during ejaculation, and the presence of blood in the semen, the continuous appearance of secretions from the urethra. Perhaps a manifestation of pain in the area between the anus and the scrotum. Then the man can suffer from sexual dysfunction, which occurs because of the symptoms described.
The diagnosis of prostatitis

For a correct diagnosis is important to deal with a diagnosis of prostatitis and complete. First of all, a specialist conducts the investigation and the physical examination of the patient. The doctor produces the digital rectal examination, in which he defines some of the symptoms of prostatitis – pain and swelling of the prostate.
Driven on the data collected, it shall take the decision on the appointment of the patient sowing of urine, with the goal of establishing the causes of the infection. To obtain accurate results, takes place the comparison of the cultures of the three urine samples. For this is the examination of the urine, collected at the beginning of urination, of the media portions, and subjected to analysis of selection received during the massage of the prostate after urination.
To avoid errors in diagnosis of prostatitis, it is important to exclude certain diseases, some of the symptoms that are similar to the symptoms of prostatitis. And' appendicitis, cystitis, prostate cancer, urinary incontinence, benign hypertrophy of the prostate, pyelonephritis.
It also carries out blood analysis, the results of which, with prostatitis observed an increase in the number of white blood cells and increase in the speed of sedimentation of red blood cells. In addition, if necessary, the patient is assigned, and further research methods – ULTRASOUND of the prostate and organs, in the vicinity, ct scan or tomography, magnetic resonance imaging.
The treatment of prostatitis
The treatment of prostatitis includes a course of medication and subsequent maintenance therapy. The surgery is carried out in the case of effect of conservative treatment has been unsatisfactory.
During the treatment of prostatitis, it is important to immediate possession of a system of anti-bacterial treatment. Often the doctor prescribes to the patient receiving trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline, fluoroquinolones. In the case of symptoms of prostatitis as a result of sexually transmitted diseases, the treatment also includes the receipt of ceftriaxone, doxycycline , etc
During the maintenance therapy it is important to respect a delicate treatment, preferably in bed. There should be an adequate hydration, includes, as a minimum, drink eight glasses of water each day. The patient can take pain killers, the funds with an antipyretic effect. Perhaps periodic application to the treatment of prostatitis sedentary baths. When acute bacterial prostatitis after an adequate therapy, the patient is recovering. Rarely may appear complications at times because of acute prostatitis form of a man can develop an abscess or fistula of the prostate.
If the patient has placed the chronic prostatitis, you should take the course of massage of the prostate, which greatly facilitates the general condition of the patient. When non-bacterial prostatitis to relieve your symptoms are used anticholinergic drugs and painkillers. To get rid of the constant chronic pain in the area of the prostate, treatment of alpha-blockers and muscle relaxants. Introduction of analgesics to the patient is done with the goal of eliminating the spasms of the bladder. Often are also assigned methods of physiotherapy, which aim at the stimulation of the nerve endings of the prostate and other fabrics. As a sort of treatment method is also recommended periodic masturbation, which helps protect from the appearance of the edema of the prostate tissue.
The ineffectiveness of all the above methods, the treatment, the doctor takes the decision about the necessity of a surgical intervention. In this case, the transurethral resection of the prostate. Sometimes even the patients will be assigned taking into prostatectomy – surgery, during which the prostate and its tissue are removed completely. After this operation, a person can develop impotence and urinary incontinence.
Prostatitis treatment with medications tools
The treatment of acute prostatitis is made with the help of antibiotics. To achieve the maximum results of the therapy, it is necessary to choose the right scheme of their reception, and do not stop your treatment with antibiotics. The longer the intake of such drugs is necessary in the case of chronic prostatitis: sometimes the treatment lasts up to three months. In addition, the treatment includes the acquisition of immunomodulatory drugs. To prevent the recurrence of the disease, it is important to carefully follow all the doctor's instructions. If this and the consumption of alcoholic beverages, and a strong hypothermia, and other factors can cause a relapse of the disease. Also, a stressful situation can have a negative effect.
As well as medicines from prostatitis, in the course of therapy are often used methods of physiotherapy. In addition, the prostatitis are treated with the help of the laser, effectively regenerating tissue, ultrasound, the permanent magnetic field, ozone therapy, etc
The treatment of prostatitis in the home

In the course of the therapy of the disease allowed the parallel use of treatment of prostatitis in the home.
Yet in ancient times for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate healers have used ordinary pumpkin seeds. The fact is that pumpkin seeds contain a very large number of zinc, an element that is essential to every man the body, regardless of age.
There is another way to treat prostatitis with the help of pumpkin seeds. You need to peel about half a kilo of sunflower seeds, and twist them into a meat grinder. Please note that the treatment for prostatitis will be effective only if they are used raw pumpkin seeds. In the resulting mass is added honey – about 200 grams. The solution should be well mixed, and model a kind of balls-candy size of walnut. These medicinal candies need to store in a cool place. There are balls need before a meal, one or two each day.
For the treatment of prostatitis folk remedies also used sokoterapiya. The consumption of large quantities of fresh fruit juices stimulates the secretion of men, of the body of uric acid, the absorption of the muscle is often the cause of disease of the prostate. For this objective, suitable fresh carrot juice mixed with fruit juice, asparagus, cucumbers, and beets.
Another useful for men drink the juice of elderberries. His need to drink in the morning, before breakfast, a tablespoon. Drink juice need to not less than ten days. In the process of treating fruit juices, a patient can rise the temperature. This is a normal process, which indicates that the therapy works.
The shells of the chestnuts can also help those suffering from prostatitis. For this it is necessary to take the fresh shell with the needles, and to prepare her. To prepare the broth, mixing the husk of a chestnut, pour boiling water and insist. A decoction is used in place of the tea. It is also possible the application of this decoction for enemas.

Grass hemlock and the celandine are suitable for the preparation of tinctures for the treatment of prostatitis. Note, however, that the hemlock is dovit grass. For half a tablespoon of both herbs pour 100 g of alcohol. Tincture to prepare for ten days in a dark place, after that filtered. Drinking beer in the morning, 30 minutes before a meal. For this a small amount of water or milk to add to the first day a drop of dye. The following day the number of drops is already two, etc. i.e. the thirtieth day a person use thirty drops of the infusion. Via the countdown should be in reverse order, and the sixtieth day treatment of a sick person again, back to one drop of the dye.
Also in the house, you can prepare a decoction of yarrow, birch leaves and bearberry ordinary. Blend of herbs pour boiling water and insist. After the effort to consume before a meal by two tablespoons.
The treatment of prostatitis candles
A great way to fight inflammation, has long been considered propolis. For the preparation of the funds, which is used for the treatment, it is necessary in 200 ml of pure alcohol boil 40 grams of propolis. When propolis extract is ready, 0.1 g of extract mixed with 2 grams of cocoa butter. This mixture must shape in the shape of a candle, and enter in the night into the rectum. This treatment continues every day for the entire month. After about a month and a half, the course can also be in this case to repeat. Propolis can also be oral: to do this, use the 20% alcohol tincture of propolis. 40 drops of tincture of this dissolved in 100 g of water. Such treatment for prostatitis take to forty-five days before the meal. You can also undergo the treatment pollen, which make use of a tablespoon in the morning and in the evening half an hour before a meal.
For other types of candles take three tablespoons of rye flour, to which add a teaspoon of raw egg and honey. From the solution to make a homogeneous paste, from which are formed the candles, the components of a diameter of about an inch. Candles need to put in the freezer. Their attack on the passes of the evening and morning. The treatment lasts four weeks, if necessary can be repeated after a week.