The basic method, helping to prevent the development of prostatitis is prevention. Experts agree on the fact that the main cause of prostatitis – decreased immunity and chronic sources of infection in the body. However, the power of any man to reduce to a minimum the factors that may cause the inflammation of the organ. First of all, this is true for the representatives of the stronger sex, over the age of 50 years. Launched the disease will bring a lot of trouble: long-term treatment, serious complications and, often, the problems in the sexual life, as well as the prostatitis leads to erectile dysfunction.
General prevention activities are divided into two types:
- Primary. The main objective – to prevent the development of the inflammatory process.
- Secondary. Designed for patients, already undergoing the disease. Objective to hinder its passage into the chronic phase.
Measures of prevention of disease include:
- Physical activity: walking, jogging, skating, tennis, skiing.
- Gymnastics for the stimulation of the pelvic muscles: squats, Kegel exercises, mahi feet, "bicycle".
- The diet, which implies a limitation of sharp, salty, at the same time includes food, rich of vitamins and fibers.
- Waiver of the tobacco smoke.
- Regular sex life. The nature and frequency of the sexual life of directly influencing the state of the organ. However, it is worth mentioning that the promiscuity they are a source of infection. Various sexual perversions, the long period of abstinence, is the deliberate tightening and the interruption of the act, sexual perversions there are several factors that influence negatively the state of the breast. Regular sex with a stable partner the ideal tool for the prevention of prostatitis.
- Avoid situations, when the excitation will not lead to a sexual act.
- The rejection of the discontinuation of sexual intercourse as a method of contraception is ineffective and harmful.
The main components of prevention

Take care of your health must last a lifetime. Preventive measures suggest the performance of simple activities.
- The muscular exercise. A passive lifestyle leads to the fact that muscles lose their elasticity. In the end, this leads to an enlargement of the organ.
- Hiking. When walking it carries the massage of the prostate. This has a positive influence on the state of the organ. Also, daily walks in the open air, are useful for the health in general.
- The massage. A great prevention tool – professional massage the lumbar region. Do need at least four times a year.
- Diet. A proper diet is an important component for the prevention of prostatitis. It is necessary to completely eliminate from the diet, salted, fatty, smoked products and increase the consumption of vegetables, cereals and fruit.
- Avoid hypothermia. To prevent the development of inflammation, you need to dress for the season.
- Regular attendance of doctors. As a prevention, it is necessary to visit a urologist at least twice a year.
The observance of simple preventive measures will save the health until a ripe old age.
Sex life with prostatitis

In addition to physical exercise, massage and folk remedies, prevention prostatitis includes another important aspect ‒ a sexual life.
- Patients suffering from prostatitis, should lead a normal love life with a usual partner.
- Interrupted sexual contacts to be excluded, because this may cause stagnation of secretions.
- In the absence of a stable partner, do not use a contraceptive barrier.
The physical exercises at home
A passive lifestyle is a cause of stagnation of blood in the pelvis and leads to problems of blood flow. You need to include in your daily routine, simple physical exercises.
Particularly recommended for:
- Courses badminton and ping pong.
- "The ability to" exercise activates the flow of blood in the pelvic organs.
- Hiking, morning gymnastics, and jogging.

Gymnastics at home is the easiest way to keep your health in good condition. Light exercise can make any man
Any physical activity has a positive effect on the body, however, there are some exercises for the prostate.
Exemplary of a series of exercises for the prostate:
- Straining the muscles of the perineum, trying to attract the rectum. Repeat this exercise no less than five times in a row. In the "in between" position to remain for about three seconds.
- Straining the muscles of the perineum, as if trying to stop urination. Perform this exercise during the day for 200 approaches no less than four times.
- Relax and compress a group of muscles intimate area alternately slowing down and speeding up the pace.
- Do relaxation exercises — compression of the anus.
- In the morning, stand up on your toes, the tension of all muscle groups, then relax.
- Put the feet at shoulder width. Slowly the superficial squat, the knees when this breed. Repeat at least ten times.
- Walking on the spot, at the top by raising his knees.
- Lie on the floor. Perform the exercise "bicycle", while in the buttocks or calves does not appear a feeling of pleasant fatigue.
- You can start with normal sit-ups, running 5-10 per day, gradually increase the number of sit-ups.
- "Walking on the buttocks". Sit on the floor and try to "walk" on your buttocks. Perform the exercise for 5 minutes a day.
Grandma's recipes for prevention

Proven traditional recipes handed down from generation to generation, therefore you can use for the treatment and / or prevention.
Folk remedies, many years, used for the prevention of diseases:
- Ivan-tea, take in the amount of two tablespoons, pour half a liter of boiling water and infuse for five minutes, then strain. Drinking on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening (30 minutes before dinner).
- Oats in the amount of two tablespoons, pour 700 ml of hot water, cook over low heat, for the grain have become soft. Drain and add 50 ml of fresh juice of parsley. Drink 100 ml.
- Chop a kilo of sunflower seeds and the same number of walnuts. Every day in the morning, eat by mixing grated onion and a tablespoon of a mixture of sunflower seeds, and walnuts.
- The green shells of chestnuts to insist in the form of a decoction, and drink on an empty stomach in the morning. Peel, chop, take two tablespoons of the mixture and pour half a liter of boiling water. Close and let stand all night. Take in the morning, 1 teaspoon. Medicinal product composition and store in a cool place. A decoction to drink, until it has finished.
- Eat 25 seeds pumpkin raw a day half an hour before meals.
- Honey and propolis – some of the best folk remedies for the prevention of the disease.
Wellness breast stimulation. It is sufficient to devote a bit of time to prevent the development of disease – and you miss her. Self-massage will bring relief. Therapeutic massage of the organ will resume its normal operation, in this case:
- Improves the blood flow; the amount of nutrients, which fall in the gland increases.
- The level of testosterone, responsible for normal erection, it increases.
- The muscle tone in the groin increases, the normal operation of the excretory ducts.
Pharmacy prevention

- Medications, eliminating inflammation in the body. Tablets prescribed, and with the acute and chronic phase of prostatitis. The drugs enhance the metabolism of the body, relieve the swelling of the tissues. Painkillers – analgesics to relieve severe pain in the area of the scrotum and the lower part of the belly.
- Antimicrobial pills prevent the proliferation of bacteria and germs. Apply for the treatment of bacterial prostatitis. Medicines encourages the body's defenses. As a general rule, these funds are of animal or vegetable origin.
For the treatment of prostate cancer recommend the use of dietary supplements, as they have a minimum of contraindications. These medicines help to restore the functioning of the genitourinary system, facilitate urination, stimulate the blood circulation in the prostate gland.
Prevention from prostatitis – the guarantee of men's health for years to come, but it is the self-confidence, good mood, feeling of satisfaction. This is the pledge of a long and happy life. Your health cancers!